SAMARINDA – KEMITRAAN involves indigenous communities and vulnerable groups in reducing carbon emissions through the Enhancing Access to Benefits while Lowering Emission (EnABLE) program. This was one of the key takeaways from the Third Multistakeholder Consultation Meeting of the EnABLE Program, held at Aston Hotel, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, on January 14-15, 2025.
The event was attended by representatives from the East Kalimantan government, including the Directorate General of Climate Change Control, the Directorate General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships, the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretary, the Assistant for Economic Affairs and Development Administration, the East Kalimantan Provincial Social Service, the East Kalimantan Provincial Office for Population, Women’s Empowerment, and Child Protection, the East Kalimantan Regional Research and Innovation Agency, the East Kalimantan Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD), as well as representatives from the Ministry of Forestry, the World Bank, KEMITRAAN, and development partners/civil society organizations in East Kalimantan. These included the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), USAID SEGAR, WWF Indonesia, Yayasan BUMI, Yayasan BIOMA, Kawal Borneo Community Foundation (KBCF), Yayasan PADI, Nurani Perempuan Kaltim, Perusda Sylva Kaltim Sejahtera, Yayasan Bikal, Yayasan Konservasi Khatulistiwa, Lembaga Bina Banua Putijaji, and the Center for Social Forestry (CSF) at Mulawarman University.
The discussions during the meeting focused on facilitating the recognition of indigenous communities. The dialogue covered an overview at the national level, the current conditions in East Kalimantan, and shared field experiences from development partners working with indigenous communities in various districts. The active involvement of indigenous peoples and vulnerable groups, such as women, in efforts to reduce carbon emissions by protecting forests remains a priority.
“We welcome the EnABLE program as it supports the government in increasing the participation of vulnerable and marginalized communities in East Kalimantan in accessing both carbon and non-carbon benefits,” said Iwan Darmawan, Head of the Economic Bureau of East Kalimantan Province.
Iwan also emphasized the importance of engaging local development partners, particularly those actively working at the grassroots level. In addition, criteria for villages eligible to receive EnABLE Program benefits—specifically those home to indigenous communities and vulnerable groups—have been agreed upon. The prioritized villages are those receiving Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) funds and have significant potential for emissions reduction. These villages are in isolated locations, have high poverty rates, and have received minimal government program interventions. These criteria aim to ensure the sustainability of program benefits for marginalized groups, particularly indigenous communities and women.
Meanwhile, Emcet Oktay Tas, Task Team Leader for the World Bank’s EnABLE Program, expressed hope that this third meeting would result in a concrete agreement for the program’s implementation.
“A strong collaboration between the East Kalimantan government, KEMITRAAN as the national-level implementing partner, and development partners as local implementers is key to the program’s success,” said Emcet.
In line with the World Bank’s international procurement mechanisms, KEMITRAAN will also issue an open call to invite development partners in East Kalimantan to submit Expressions of Interest (EOIs) and proposals to become implementing partners.
Hasbi Berliani, Director of Sustainable Governance Community (SGC) KEMITRAAN, stressed that although the EnABLE Program is funded separately, its implementation remains aligned with the FCPF Program.
“Therefore, these two programs must complement and support each other,” said Hasbi.
About the EnABLE Program
The EnABLE Phase 2 project aims to enhance access for vulnerable and marginalized groups within the East Kalimantan Emission Reduction Program (ERP). This initiative provides strategic support to foster an environment that promotes social inclusion, particularly in accessing carbon and non-carbon benefits from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) under the Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP).
The EnABLE Program has three key components designed to ensure effective implementation and positive impact:
Effective Project Management, Monitoring, and Knowledge Sharing – Ensuring project accountability, evaluation, and dissemination of lessons learned.
Capacity Building and Stakeholder Awareness – Supporting the implementation of an inclusive ERP.
Inclusive, Sustainable, and Low-Carbon Livelihoods – Providing support for environmentally friendly and socially inclusive economic activities.