KEMITRAAN as a civil society organization has a vision to create a just Indonesia. This means that all parties must be able to feel the impact of development without anyone being left behind. For this reason, KEMITRAAN also focuses its work on involving indigenous communities, women, ethnic and religious minorities, and people with disabilities who are often forgotten and never experience the benefits of development.
Therefore, KEMITRAAN is actively involved in fulfilling the basic rights of indigenous peoples, encouraging social acceptance, and promoting the values of social inclusion in policy. KEMITRAAN has implemented various programs in the field of social inclusion.
In this area of work, KEMITRAAN also adopts a gender equality perspective and mainstreaming child protection to ensure that women have equal opportunities to participate in public life, and children have the right to be protected.
Through various social inclusion programs carried out by KEMITRAAN, indigenous peoples have received health insurance such as KIS, BPJS Health, and Jamkesda. They also receive educational facilities such as KIP, formal education, and Pursue Packages A, B, C. Indigenous communities also finally received clear legal identities such as KTPs, birth certificates, marriage certificates and KK (Family Cards).
Perjanjian ini ditandatangani antara Green Climate Fund (GCF) dan KEMITRAAN. Perjanjian ini meresmikan akuntabilitas KEMITRAAN dalam melaksanakan proyek-proyek yang disetujui oleh GCF.
Untuk diketahui, GCF adalah dana khusus terbesar di dunia yang membantu negara-negara berkembang untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca dan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam merespons perubahan iklim.
Dana ini dihimpun oleh Konvensi Kerangka Kerja PBB tentang Perubahan Iklim (UNFCCC) pada tahun 2010. GCF memiliki peran penting dalam mewujudkan Perjanjian Paris, yakni mendukung tujuan untuk menjaga kenaikan suhu global rata-rata di bawah 2 derajat celsius.
This agreement was signed between Green Climate Fund (GCF) and PARTNERSHIP. This agreement formalizes KEMITRAAN’s accountability in implementing projects approved by the GCF.
For your information, the GCF is the world’s largest special fund that helps developing countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase their ability to respond to climate change.
These funds were collected by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2010. The GCF has an important role in realizing the Paris Agreement, namely supporting the goal of keeping the average global temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius.