7th of August. A calendar number that almost became the day of independence. There was a ceremony that perhaps celebrated that odd number to fulfill the nation’s aspiration to be sovereign in health: inaugurating communal toilets.
Toilets (Mandi Cuci Kakus/MCK) has been initiated since 2 years ago. It has been a long preparation that has finally become a reality and can be felt by the residents of North Pekalongan Sub-district and parts of West Pekalongan Sub-district. Next are the numbers, deliberately arranged to resemble the date of Independence Day: 17 renovations, 8 urban villages, the others being complementary and descriptive, 6 new MCK constructions spread across 7 urban villages in North Pekalongan. These are Bandengan Degayu, Krapyak, Kandang Panjang, Padukuhan Kraton, Panjang Baru, and Panjang Wetan, and West Pekalongan Sub-district, represented by Pasir Kraton Kramat. At the only urban village in West Pekalongan, the inauguration and handover of the building was carried out.

Starting from June 2022, KEMITRAAN through the AF Pekalongan project and the full support of the Pekalongan City Government undertook efforts to meet the basic needs of residents. The process was carried out from surveys and assessments, socialization and FGDs for residents and prospective managers, the formation of agreements to be responsible for assets, to the implementation of construction activities in February 2024.
Beneficiaries are recorded in 23 Rukun Warga totaling 1040 households, which of course will be even more who can use this communal MCK.

MCK is not only intended to be used together. There are key requirements that must be met in Pekalongan City, which has an altitude of 1 meter above sea level. It must be adaptive to the circumstances and climate changes that occur. The floor of the building is made higher than ground level to avoid flooding and tidal floods that often inundate the surrounding area. The MCK must also have rainwater harvesting as an alternative water supply, ventilation made with recycled materials, a plot of green space provided for infiltration and plants, and a main water source that uses the services of the regional water company so that the use of groundwater is not frequent.

The notion of communal is expanded. Inclusive is the key word. MCK is expected to be used by anyone, including people with disabilities. In the room there is a disability grab bar, a handle for those who need it. Access to the room is equipped with guiding blocks, a striking color for low vision friends.

In his joking speech, Pekalongan City Regional Secretary Nur Priantomo, SE, MM emphasized the utilization and maintenance of the building. The collective efforts of citizens are the only way to keep these inanimate objects alive.