JAKARTA – Indonesia received Result Based Payment (RBP) funds from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) amounting to USD 103.8 million, as compensation for its success in reducing emission production for the 2014-2016 period. The funds are managed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and channeled through the Environmental Fund Management Agency (BPDLH) to support seven areas of activity. These include Forest Management Units (FMUs) and Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RHL). Other activities that also receive support are the Climate Village Program (Proklim), Sustainable Forest Management (PHL), conservation and biodiversity, Forest and Land Fire (Karhutla) control, and REDD+ architecture.
Of the total budget obtained by the government, USD 54.25 million was handed over to provincial management. This is based on the allocation stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry no 1398/2023 on the Allocation of GCF Output 2 Result Based Payment (RBP) Fund Utilization. One of the provinces receiving RBP funds is Central Sulawesi with a nominal value of USD 2.8 million.
KEMITRAAN as one of the Intermediary Institutions (Lemtara) BPDLH, is trusted by the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Central Sulawesi to assist the management of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction program through improving sustainable forest governance, increasing resilience, and sustainable community livelihoods.
This was conveyed by KEMITRAAN Program Director Hasbi Berliani in his presentation at the signing of the cooperation in Jakarta, Wednesday (24/7/2024). The program will be implemented for two years, starting in September 2024 until August 2026 in accordance with the priorities of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government related to REDD+.
“These include strengthening institutional enabling conditions and REDD+ instruments in the regions, developing the FOLU Net Sink 2030 Roadmap at the Sub-National level based on the latest IGRK, and increasing access to Social Forestry (SF), legality, marketing of products and ecosystem services,” Hasbi explained.
The activities in this program are expected to achieve emission reduction targets in Central Sulawesi Province through structured stages, as well as forest utilization by surrounding communities through sustainable and inclusive management schemes.
Meanwhile, KEMITRAAN Executive Director Laode M. Syarif expressed his gratitude for the trust given by the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government to KEMITRAAN in managing several programs that have been and are being carried out. As is known, KEMITRAAN is running a number of programs in the Central Sulawesi region.
“For information to Bu Sekda, KEMITRAAN is currently implementing the Estungkara program in Sigi Regency. Previously, it had also carried out rehabilitation and reconstruction programs after the Palu, Donggala, Sigi (Padosi) earthquake through the construction of bamboo houses in Sigi Regency and a bamboo library in Palu City,” he explained.
In front of the Regional Secretary of Central Sulawesi Dra Novalina, MM, Head of the Central Sulawesi Forestry Service Muhamad Neng, ST, MM, and the ranks of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government who attended the signing of the cooperation, Syarif said he hoped this program would be successful. He hopes that in the future KEMITRAAN and the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government can collaborate on potential programs.
“KEMITRAAN has been accredited, so it has the potential to access funds from the Green Climate Fund, Adaptation Fund and also other international funding. We will be happy if we can develop programs for these funds in Central Sulawesi,” Syarif said.
In her remarks and briefing, Novalina responded to KEMITRAAN’s offer of further cooperation as part of a commitment to improving environmental conditions in her region.
“Almost all districts in Central Sulawesi have critical forests, such as North Morowali and Donggala. This is a big homework for Central Sulawesi,” she said.
Listening to Syarif’s remarks, Novalina felt challenged and hoped that KEMITRAAN could assist the process of improving environmental governance in her region.
“As Mr. Syarif said earlier that Kaltim (East Kalimantan) can get bigger funds, then Sulteng certainly can too. Therefore, cooperation is not limited to the RBP program, but can be in other projects. The Central Sulawesi Provincial Government is very open to this cooperation,” said Novalina.