Indigenous women of the Balik tribe resist the eviction of land and women’s management areas in Sepaku Lama, Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan Photo credit: JATAM East Kalimantan
ELEVATE (Enhancing the Leverage of Women Environment Human Rights Defenders/WEHRDs in Sustaining the Environment) is a PARTNERSHIP project that aims to increase the capability and influence of women human rights defenders (WHRDs) in conserving the environment.
According to Komnas Perempuan, there were 87 cases of violence and attacks against women human rights defenders that were directly reported in the period 2015-2021. However, this number is considered an iceberg phenomenon, as there are many unreported cases.
Capacity building and influence are focused on women and communities whose land and natural resource rights are threatened by large-scale development projects, such as the expansion of monoculture plantations and extractive industries that do not take into account environmental aspects.
About the project
Public participation is crucial in influencing the formulation and implementation of state regulations, policies and decisions. However, there is a tendency for the state to limit participation in the policy-making process, one of which is experienced by human rights defenders in the form of threats, violence, and criminalization. The risks are increasingly experienced by environmental human rights defenders.
that are not only directed at her, but also her identity as a woman, mother, and community member. Sexual attacks, stigmatization, discrimination and neglect are often experienced.
The two main objectives of the ELEVATE project were:
a. Promote state and community-based protection mechanisms for environmental PPHAM.
b. Enhance the leadership capacity and influence of environmental PPHAM and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to advocate for gender-sensitive policies in the environmental sector.
Project timeline
October 2022 – January 2025
Working area
National level and provincial level (Riau, East Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi)
Work Program
In running the ELEVATE project, in addition to direct implementation, KEMITRAAN also works with partners at the national and local levels including in Riau Province, East Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi.
The strategies to achieve the program objectives are:
a. Capacity building for PPHAM, communities, supporting civil society organizations regarding security and protection of environmental PPHAM and strengthening networks.
b. Technical support to encourage collective efforts of the state and civil society organizations in providing legal protection instruments for women environmental human rights defenders that are gender sensitive.
c. Research on the condition of protection of women human rights defenders in Indonesia and the condition of women in mining and palm oil sites.
d. Advocacy to influence policies to protect PPHAM so that they can actively participate in negotiating gender-sensitive policies in natural resource and environmental management. This includes advocacy on priority issues related to gender-sensitive environmental human rights defenders, conducting stakeholder dialogues to support the strengthening of the capacity and protection of human rights defenders.
capacity and protection of human rights defenders, case advocacy in assisted communities, and provision of emergency assistance for cases of human rights defenders.
e. Knowledge management and learning as an important process to integrate data and information from various initiatives undertaken by civil society actors through the improvement of the HRDKS (Human Rights Defenders Knowledge System). This system is a platform for sharing, exchanging information and knowledge products on human rights defenders’ issues and PPHAM.
The ELEVATE project is expected to deliver:
1) Research, including:
a) Risks faced by PHAM and PPHAM and gaps in the legal framework on the protection of PPHAM LH
b) Annual Report: Current situation faced by PPHAM LH, including types of attacks and state responses to attacks; any changes in laws and other policies related to HRDs and PPHAM LH
c) Documentation of good practices and lessons learned regarding strategies and challenges faced by PPHAM LH at national and regional levels;
d) The impact of the Job Creation Law on the conditions of women in the palm oil and mining sectors and advocate for improving the law and its implementing regulations.
2) By partnering with civil society organizations at the national level, conduct policy advocacy related to:
a) Protection of PPHAM LH against the Threat of Defamation Crimes in the new Criminal Code
b) Revision of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE)
c) Strengthening the Implementation of ANTI SLAPP Rules in article 66 of the Environmental Protection and Management Law
3) Training on gender-sensitive community-based protection mechanisms for HRDs on environmental issues in partnership with civil society organizations in Riau, East Kalimantan and Central Sulawesi Provinces.
4) Capacity building of civil society organizations through:
a) Training on protection and security mechanisms for 6 local partners in Riau, East Kalimantan, and Central Sulawesi Provinces and 3 national partners
b) Gender sensitive environmental policy advocacy for PPHAM LH and CSOs
5) National report on case data and handling of PPHAM
6) The existence of HRDKs (Human Rights Defenders Knowledge System) as a system for documenting attacks and handling of PPHAM LH cases
7) Emergency assistance for Human Rights Defenders who experience threats, attacks, and criminalization
8) National coalition for PPHAM LH advocacy and encouraging action plans to strengthen gender-sensitive policy advocacy in the palm oil and mining sectors.