Various adaptation actions that have been taken in Pekalongan City to address climate change have not been comprehensive because there is no comprehensive risk assessment. Addressing a complex problem such as climate change requires comprehensive measures to address its root causes. Given that most risks arise from changes in climate indicators, it is important to develop a climate risk assessment before intervening in adaptation projects. Thus, project outcomes can reach the root of the problem because they match the initial level of risk.
To this end, our program applies a comprehensive approach that includes technical assessment, planning, intervention, and monitoring and evaluation. This set of activities will be supported by frameworks and measures to strengthen institutional mechanisms on climate adaptation and resilience issues. Practically speaking, the program components will start with identifying root causes (climate risk assessment) and continue with the development and implementation of adaptation plans (in the form of intervention projects) whose results can be traced back to the root causes. In addition, efforts to build stakeholder capacity and advocate for climate resilience policies will go hand-in-hand with the program.
This program will focus on building resilience to climate change impacts in Pekalongan City, one of the coastal cities in Central Java Province (in the North Coast of Java region), by intervening in infrastructure development and socio-economic capacity of the community.
The project is specifically designed to build the resilience of coastal cities to the impacts of climate change and natural disasters, with a particular focus on pro-poor adaptation measures that benefit the most vulnerable communities in the city.
We believe that the key to doing so is to increase the capacity of coastal communities to implement climate change adaptation actions. This will be achieved through three main actions:
(1) Protect
(2) Sustain
(3) Conserve
Restoration of natural protection to increase resilience from flood hazards and exposure to risk and vulnerability by restoring mangrove ecosystems and increasing protection of coastal areas with gaps. – (action to protect)
Development of a Climate Change Information System based on various data related to climate change indicators in various areas in Pekalongan City. The aim is to develop resilient livelihood strategies, incorporating formal scientific data and relevant local knowledge and wisdom. – (sustainable action)
Engagement and involvement of local government and city government stakeholders in developing the Local Climate Adaptation Action Plan and implementing climate smart actions. The proposed program will conduct capacity building activities for local government and city stakeholders to develop Action Plans and implement climate smart actions. – (sustainable action)
Mainstream climate change adaptation and resilience into the development plan of Central Java Province, which will result in better climate-related policies in terms of climate finance and bottom-up planning. – (sustainable action)
Strengthen vertical coordination and collaboration between central and local governments in the context of climate adaptation and enrich coastal resilience knowledge, tools and methodologies for the central government. – (preservation action)
In the scheme of the “PROTECT” approach as part of the 3M approach: LINDUNGI – LESTARIKAN – AMANKAN, one of the most important components is the construction of coastal protection in the form of a coral mound breakwater construction located north of the Pekongan City Mangrove Information Center. This construction consists of 2 units with a length of 150m each. As a prerequisite for the construction of the breakwater, KEMITRAAN has conducted an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (AMDAL) which can be downloaded below. This document can be accessed by the public and stakeholders in Pekalongan City affected by the construction of the breakwater to provide input and/or responses to the document. Inputs and/or responses can be submitted via email info@kemitraan.or.id no later than 2 (two) weeks after this document is published.
In addition, for ease of searching, please divide the program sub-links with the addition of Climate Change. AF projects are placed under the Climate Change sub-link.
The document can be accessed here:
This project is conducted in Pekalongan City, Central Java Province.
Status: On Going
Funded by : Adaptation Fund
Duration: December 23rd 2020 – December 31st 2022
Budget : USD $5,972,670
Managed by : Sustainable Governance Sector (SGS)