In 2016, Indonesia ratified the Paris Agreement and committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through its National Determined Contribution (NDC). Indonesia targets to reduce emissions by 26 percent (41 percent with international support) by 2020.
To support Indonesia’s commitment to GHG emission reductions, a strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest/Land Degradation (coupled with protection for biodiversity and forest-dependent communities), abbreviated as REDD+, has been established. The shared interest in REDD+ by Indonesia and Norway resulted in a Letter of Intent (LoI), which established a partnership between the two countries. Three stages are set out in the LoI: first to build the necessary institutions and capacities, second to transform managerial systems, and third to deliver verified emission reductions.
As an organization committed to good governance, KEMITRAAN supports the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) in implementing the first phase of the LoI. The program provides technical assistance to MoEF’s Directorate General (DG) of Climate Change through two component activities, namely (1) facilitation of multi-stakeholder consultations for the establishment of an environmental fund (later to become the Environmental Fund Management Agency or BPDLH) and (2) provision of technical assistance to MoEF’s DG of Climate Change to finalize the REDD+ architecture.
The project supported the development of regulations that clarify economic instruments for environment and development activities. The regulation provides for an environmental fund manager that aims to oversee and manage funds for environmental activities. In line with the financing mechanism, the project also supported the establishment of various institutional mechanisms, such as the National Registry System (SRN), methodology for monitoring verification reporting (MRV), and Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL).
The REDD+ Transition Project includes support to seven echelons I in the MoEF, namely the Secretariat General, DG Climate Change, DG Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation, DG Law Enforcement, DG Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership, DG Forestry Planning and Environmental Management, and the Human Resources Extension and Development Agency.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway
Project Period
March 2017-December 2019
Implementing Partners
Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Ministry of Finance